Friday, May 31, 2013

Earning her keep

 I started cleaning the bottom of the house today while Miaya was napping because we want the blue cement blocks white...well, she decided that napping wasn't necessary so I put her to work!!  She used a cloth, bucket and water gun and had a blast!!  When Daddy got home from work she was working hard!! 
 Gramma picked Maddie up from school tonight for a sleepover, so we asked Nana to watch Miaya so we could go on a date to the movies!  Another busy week has passed and we have got so much done!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy HAPPY Birthday...

 to the most wonderful man I am honoured to spend my every day with!!  I love this man more and more everyday.  He is the best Daddy, to the 2 sweetest girls, he is kind, he is patient, and he loves unconditionally. 

We sang our hearts out, and showered Daddy with love, presents and his favorite cake!  I often ask myself how I got so lucky!  He deserves more than 1 day a year in his honour!!  I am not sure he will ever really know how much he is loved but we do try to show him every single day...xoxoxoxoxoxo


Monday, May 27, 2013

Finishing Touches!

 After my little helper came with me to get a few more supplies for the deck this morning, we unloaded when we got home and we got to work!  Miss Miaya helped for a little while before her nap, but this is where I spent my afternoon...screwing deck boards!!  I got so much done and no squats were needed today, my butt and legs got a total workout!!  HA HA!!  My hubby was quite pleased when he got home!! 
And we even got some painting done...for a certain someones special day tomorrow...

Sunday, May 26, 2013


 We got the materials delivered yesterday for the new deck and we got right to work this morning!   Well, after I ran Maddie to town for her dance pictures and did a few other things.  Uncle Pat, Auntie Brandy and the boys came for the day to help, which we really appreciated!!! 

The kids all had a great day riding around on the golf cart, jumping on the trampoline and they even watched a movie.

Mark, Pat and I worked on the deck and got SO much done! 


 Look at these cute faces!!!!  Our helpers left after supper, we got the girls to bed and Mark and I kept working until after 10:30pm!  We were short 14 boards which Miaya and I will run and grab in the morning, but we got so much accomplished!!  And that, my friends, is a productive day!

Dance Pictures!!

 Our beautiful dancer had her pictures taken this weekend!!  We drove in Saturday and Sunday to have these taken!  She will be showing us her moves at her upcoming recital!  She has been taking Modern, Highland and Musical Theatre!!  We can't wait to see her in action!!  She works so very hard all year and the recital is something Maddie really enjoys!!! 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Special Delivery!!

For my birthday last year, my girlfriend got me a "Money Pot".  You fill it with money and when it's full the only way to open it is to smash it while making a wish!! was full!!  Miaya and I smashed it, rolled all the money and put it towards our special delivery!!  Which is wood for our new deck!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pioneer Presentation!!

Maddie's class has been learning all about Pioneers this past month.  So today, they presented their "village" to us!!  All of the students spoke to us about their jobs.  Maddie was the "Cordiniere"  aka, the Shoemaker!!  She did a wonderful job!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fetching Water

Because we still had no power this morning, we walked to the lake with our buckets to fetch some water to flush the toilets and stuff.  The mosquito's have been so bad here lately that we couldn't stay outside this morning because they tried to carry us away!  Miaya and I found some fun things to do inside while we waited for our power to some back!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tornados and no power...

 We had some wicked weather hit here today.  We lost power before 3pm, just as Daddy had to leave for work.  Less than 15 kms away from us, a Tornado touched down.  I had to get Maddie at school today and I was a few minutes late due to road closures and power lines down in many places.
 A barn was completely destroyed as well as many trees downed on this persons property.  And this house lost it's roof and garage.  All the debris was scattered over many farmers fields.  It was an absolute disaster.

It continued to rain for the next 12 hours.  We were so very fortunate to have only lost our power for almost 24 hours.
With Daddy being at work all night, I had some company with me.  The storm continued on into the night and it was quite a storm.  And as a side company does NOT share the bed or covers well, as you can see from this picture!  Needless to say, neither one of us got much sleep;)

A few more hours...

with Daddy is what Miaya and I got today.  After we got Maddie off to school, we had to get a few things around the yard done and get Daddy off to bed because he has to work for a 24 hour shift...and the weather this week doesn't look promising, so we better enjoy the sun while we have it!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Camping adventure!!

We headed over to a friends house for an overnight adventure, so we brought the trailer!  The kids played awesome together all day!  And we had an afternoon of games...there were 4 teams of 2, and just so you know, not like it matters, but my partner Jeff and I WON!!!  Oh ya, we kicked butt!!!  It was so fun...and bragging is fun too...ha ha ha!

 We had a great BBQ dinner, sparklers for the kids and because our friends live at the lake there were tonnes of fireworks, so we watched them too!

It was a big night because it was Miaya's 1st time sleeping like a BIG girl!!  Last year she was in her Pack'n'Play!  We put her to bed first, and she was out within minutes, and the neighbour directly behind us was setting off their fireworks, which sounded like gun shots, and when I checked on her, she didn't budge!!!   And when Maddie went in, a rock!!!  WOO HOOO!!!  The sleeping like a big girl in the trailer trial went off without a HITCH!!!!  Bring on summer and camping!!!  More time with family and friends is what summer is all about and we are ready!!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy Long Weekend!!

Daddy, George and I started our day by going for a buy ourselves a hot tub!!  Yup, we are making our dreams a reality...ever since we sold our old one with the house (almost 8 years ago...) we've wanted to replace it.  And today's the day. 

 My brother, Brandy and one of my nephews was waiting for us when we arrived back and we enjoyed an awesome day just sitting, chatting and relaxing.  Poor Brandy has done something awful to her back and has been out of commission for weeks now.  She can lie down and stand, both for limited amounts of time, so I offered to give her a pedicure, with summer here, we need pretty toes!!

 I got the blender going, Jacob rode the 4-wheeler around, we cooked up some yummy steaks and enjoyed each other's company.

 We ended the night with some fireworks!!  The girls loved them!!  We had the trailer all set up and that's where our company slept!  We all had a great day!!!!