Project BIG GIRL BED!!!!
That's right...our baby is moving up into her first big girl bed! We picked it up yesterday and before Daddy got home from work tonight, we all worked together getting all the parts and pieces ready so we could get it built!
After the girls baths/showers, I realized all of Miaya's clothes and stuff were trapped in the was a tight squeeze in her room with everything in there, so the girls cuddled on Maddie's bed, while Nana read them a book (or 3) while we finished getting everything together!
It was late and we just assumed that Miaya would sleep in her crib and I would get her new bed ready for nap time tomorrow...but Miaya did not have the same thought!!!
Our big girl was "all done" with her crib and she sounded disgusted when we suggested she sleep there one more night!!! Well, OK then!! So, we got the rest of her things ready and she LOVES her music mobile still, so Daddy jimmy rigged it up for her, he is so handy;)
We tucked her in, and that was it!!! WOW!!! She never complained about her crib so that's why we weren't rushing her out, but I guess she was ready! Of course, I checked on her many times, just to be sure she was where she was supposed to be and she was! She never attempted to get out. She LOVES her new "BIG GIRL BED!!!" and she was super stoked!! (I guess the next step is getting her to get rid of her last "susi", pacifier/soother, whatever you call it!) But all in due time...This Mama can only handle her babies growing up one day at a time!!
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