Sunday, May 26, 2013


 We got the materials delivered yesterday for the new deck and we got right to work this morning!   Well, after I ran Maddie to town for her dance pictures and did a few other things.  Uncle Pat, Auntie Brandy and the boys came for the day to help, which we really appreciated!!! 

The kids all had a great day riding around on the golf cart, jumping on the trampoline and they even watched a movie.

Mark, Pat and I worked on the deck and got SO much done! 


 Look at these cute faces!!!!  Our helpers left after supper, we got the girls to bed and Mark and I kept working until after 10:30pm!  We were short 14 boards which Miaya and I will run and grab in the morning, but we got so much accomplished!!  And that, my friends, is a productive day!

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