Sunday, May 19, 2013

Camping adventure!!

We headed over to a friends house for an overnight adventure, so we brought the trailer!  The kids played awesome together all day!  And we had an afternoon of games...there were 4 teams of 2, and just so you know, not like it matters, but my partner Jeff and I WON!!!  Oh ya, we kicked butt!!!  It was so fun...and bragging is fun too...ha ha ha!

 We had a great BBQ dinner, sparklers for the kids and because our friends live at the lake there were tonnes of fireworks, so we watched them too!

It was a big night because it was Miaya's 1st time sleeping like a BIG girl!!  Last year she was in her Pack'n'Play!  We put her to bed first, and she was out within minutes, and the neighbour directly behind us was setting off their fireworks, which sounded like gun shots, and when I checked on her, she didn't budge!!!   And when Maddie went in, a rock!!!  WOO HOOO!!!  The sleeping like a big girl in the trailer trial went off without a HITCH!!!!  Bring on summer and camping!!!  More time with family and friends is what summer is all about and we are ready!!!!

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