For Miaya's birthday this year we decided to go the Toronto Zoo together...better late than never!! July blew by faster than we wanted it to and we finally found a day this week that we could go. Daddy is off on holidays and the weather was gorgeous so we took advantage today!! Our first stop was the Panda Bears! One was sleeping and the other was eating with his back to us, so this is the best shot!
Both girls were great! It was HOT but there were no complaints!!
And little Miss Miaya said a few funny things today...Man she cracks us up! "Mama, can you fix my barrettes they are falling out...Can you stand still please sweetie?...Love, please stand still so I can fix them...Miaya, please stand still lovey...Mom, can I move my mouth?! I guess it's hard for a 3 year old to stand still for more than 1 second!! And then we were watching the Tigers...and you can see that little pond/cement pool of water there?? Well, there is a rock in the picture if you look and Miaya says to Mark "Daddy look!! That egg hasn't hatched yet!!!" Man, she is so sweet!!
We enjoyed our day together, we all had fun! I love family days!!
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