Wednesday, August 14, 2013

NASCAR Here we COME!!!!

 Ya Baby!!  That's right, were going to Michigan to watch Daddy's dream LIVE!!!!  We were all quite excited!  We've had a busy week, with Zavhier and Kyanne being with us and trying to get ready to head out today, plus we will have company when we get home...Busy, Busy, Busy!  Daddy took the truck and trailer to work this am and I drove the girls down to meet him after lunch.  (We then dropped our car and Park N Fly for my sister and family to drive home when they arrive in Ontario Friday!)  It was a long drive, especially for Daddy because he worked all day.

 We had some fun at the Duty Free...

 And then back in the truck for a movie before Miaya fell asleep (After 10:30pm) and Maddie was up the whole time...
We pulled in the campgrounds just after midnight and it was COLD...yes, 9 degrees cold!  We got the trailer set up and the girls tucked in...they sleep like logs in our home away from home! 

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