It's such a small world...only camping a few sites away, were my Aunt and 2 cousins. One of my cousins is the same age as Maddie and they really enjoyed hanging out! After the other new friends left (and not before the girls put on their dance show that they worked on very hard all week, it was fabulous!!) and Daddy came, we took the 3 girls to the beach. It was a gorgeous afternoon and they had lots of fun!
We had a late dinner, played some volleyball, went for a bike ride and roasted marshmallows!!
This has been the best week. And I mean wonderful!! I know the girls had a blast and when Mark came today I told him I didn't want to go home. I have been so worries, like seriously the best week!!
It's a beach day today finally!!!! The kids were super excited to swim and play at the beach. The water is still quite chilly but the kids didn't mind!!
Our friends stayed for the day and headed out after supper. The girls had a great day and were pooped from all of the fresh air. But that didn't stop them from playing until well after dark.
This has been a great week so far and it can only get better because Daddy is going to come tomorrow and enjoy a night with us!!

It was not very warm today at all!! It was cold and rainy so we didn't go swimming but the kids made their own fun. They organized a scavenger hunt through the park to be done tomorrow before our friends leave and did so many other things. Their creativity is awesome to watch. It did stop raining enough before bed to have a fire and marshmallows. And then the rain started again. So the kids hid out in our screened in room (thank god we put it up!) they danced and ate snacks which ended up all over the place...which leads me to the next part of my story. We got them to bed and were enjoying a few drinks by the fire with the other parents, they went to bed, we stayed up. When I tried to get in the trailer there was a SKUNK in the shelter! Oh no, wait, there was TWO in there and ONE more trying to get in. SH*T!!! All I know about skunks is that in order for them not to spray you, you have to cover them and I sure as hell wasn't going that close to them. My girlfriend's phone died that day and mine was inside the trailer with the keys to my truck (and her car!!!) Well, crap!! With some help from our new neighbours we tracked down the wardens and they helped escort the stinkers out. And yes, they ate all of the snacks that the kids left on the floor as well as tried to get in the garbage which I stupidly left out bc I forgot!! It was funny but you had to be there...
The girls and I had a wonderful night, and the girls met some kids!! There was 4 extra kids at our site until quite late last night but it was so fun watching our girls make friends. Before breakfast was even served, they were out of the trailer, on their bikes and making plans with the other kids! It was just awesome to watch. I knew where they were at all times, and I could just watch it all unfold! Watching them both play and have fun is what being a kid and summer is all about and I am loving every minute!
I had lunch ready because we had friends joining us and they were staying for a few days!! So, now there are 7 of us plus the other kids that have become friends!!
I said it before and it really is going to be a great week!!! WOO HOOO!!!
Daddy has to work this week but the girls and I don't!! I decided to take the girls camping. Daddy helped us get all set up and then he headed home. I am really looking forward to this week!! It's going to be a great one!!!
I got home about 2 am this morning from my trip to the Airport and when I woke up this morning, it sure was quiet. The girls and I missed having Declan around, he is such a good little boy. We hope to see them all again soon.
Maddie invited Lilia here for a sleepover and it was another hot day today. So, we all headed to the lake. They swam around and played for over 4 hours. (And I sat quietly on the dock watching and reading my book...) We went home for supper, Miaya was pooped, it has been a busy few weeks here, so she asked to go to bed shortly after supper. The girls wanted to go swimming again, so in the pool they jumped! It's great because the sun stays in the back until sundown and it's really warm. I enjoyed a cold beer, on the deck, while finishing my book and listening to the girls be girls. Man, this is the best summer we have had, well, maybe ever!!!
We will miss our company. They have to fly home tonight. The kids played today and I will miss my nephew. He is such a sweet little boy. I made a big dinner for our company and Papa joined us too and said good bye. After supper I drove them to their hotel so they could get some rest before their early flight in the am. I love summer because we get to see my sister and her family but I hate good byes, they are so hard. We had such a fun 2 weeks having them and I hope they enjoyed themselves as well!!