Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 2!

It was not very warm today at all!!  It was cold and rainy so we didn't go swimming but the kids made their own fun.  They organized a scavenger hunt through the park to be done tomorrow before our friends leave and did so many other things. Their creativity is awesome to watch.  It did stop raining enough before bed to have a fire and marshmallows.  And then the rain started again.  So the kids hid out in our screened in room (thank god we put it up!) they danced and ate snacks which ended up all over the place...which leads me to the next part of my story.  We got them to bed and were enjoying a few drinks by the fire with the other parents, they went to bed, we stayed up.  When I tried to get in the trailer there was a SKUNK in the shelter!  Oh no, wait, there was TWO in there and ONE more trying to get in.  SH*T!!!  All I know about skunks is that in order for them not to spray you, you have to cover them and I sure as hell wasn't going that close to them.  My girlfriend's phone died that day and mine was inside the trailer with the keys to my truck (and her car!!!)  Well, crap!!  With some help from our new neighbours we tracked down the wardens and they helped escort the stinkers out.  And yes, they ate all of the snacks that the kids left on the floor as well as tried to get in the garbage which I stupidly left out bc I forgot!!  It was funny but you had to be there...

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