Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Making memories...

 I got home about 2 am this morning from my trip to the Airport and when I woke up this morning, it sure was quiet.  The girls and I missed having Declan around, he is such a good little boy.  We hope to see them all again soon. 

Maddie invited Lilia here for a sleepover and it was another hot day today.  So, we all headed to the lake.  They swam around and played for over 4 hours. (And I sat quietly on the dock watching and reading my book...) We went home for supper, Miaya was pooped, it has been a busy few weeks here, so she asked to go to bed shortly after supper.  The girls wanted to go swimming again, so in the pool they jumped!  It's great because the sun stays in the back until sundown and it's really warm.  I enjoyed a cold beer, on the deck, while finishing my book and listening to the girls be girls.  Man, this is the best summer we have had, well, maybe ever!!!

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