Friday, July 18, 2014

Our birthday girl

 is turning 4 today.  That's too old and too fast and I don't like it.  Her (favorite!) big sister, Daddy and I, decorated after she went to bed last night so when she woke up this morning she was very surprised!!!  Like any mom, I still remember meeting our little monkey 4 years ago.  It was a beautiful day.  (Our girls birthdays aren't just for them, they are also for me, to celebrate every moment and remember every detail about their "birth" day...I love memories.)

 Declan was excited to see all the decorations too!!  Miaya requested pancakes for breakfast so the little ones made them together. And on the table was more birthday presents for the birthday girl to open!!!  (And one for her sister and cousin too!!)


 The birthday girl wanted to swim and boat today!  What a GREAT idea, it was a HOT one.  We served some mini cupcakes (which I bought, such a cheater!!)  and headed out for an afternoon boat ride!!


 Kim and I jumped off to float around for a bit, so Uncle Jay did some fishing!  The kids helped drive the boat too!!


We headed home before dinner, after everyone cooled off.  I'd say Miaya had a wonderful day!!  We just can't believe she is growing up so fast. 

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