Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 4!!

 It's such a small world...only camping a few sites away, were my Aunt and 2 cousins.  One of my cousins is the same age as Maddie and they really enjoyed hanging out!  After the other new friends left (and not before the girls put on their dance show that they worked on very hard all week, it was fabulous!!) and Daddy came, we took the 3 girls to the beach.  It was a gorgeous afternoon and they had lots of fun! 

 We had a late dinner, played some volleyball, went for a bike ride and roasted marshmallows!!

 This has been the best week.  And I mean wonderful!! I know the girls had a blast and when Mark came today I told him I didn't want to go home.  I have been so worries, like seriously the best week!!

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