Saturday, July 19, 2014

Reunion weekend!!

 We met some wonderful people while we were vacationing in Cuba this past year and we were able to get them all together, here for the weekend!  Mother Nature did not cooperate for us but we made the best of it!  We had the boat out and the Sea Doo and although it was COLD, we had the whole afternoon to freeze before it started raining. 


 When we got back to the house, some of us warmed up in the hot tub with a snack and some warmed up by the fire.  We had way too much food to eat and then we had Jello shooters for dessert.

 We stayed up too late and had some great laughs.  In the morning, we had a HUGE feast, the hot tub got used again, and then we played a very fun game (which I can't remember the name of! HA) I picked up the girls from Nana's after supper, thinking to myself, what a wicked fun time that was!!  It is so nice to make great friends and be able to pull off a visit like that!  Definetly a great time!!

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